FBI Agent Planted Inside Twitter FIRED By Musk For Censorship! | Rokfin

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Source: FBI Agent Planted Inside Twitter FIRED By Musk For Censorship! | Rokfin

About davidfulton3

MY OWN CIRCUMSTANCES PARALLEL THOSE, of CHARLES AUGUST SCHLUND'S : SCHLUND v. BUSH, 9TH CIRCUIT COURT of APPEALS, STATE of ARIZONA, RICO LAWSUIT AFFIDAVIT : http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-9/06.html MY WORD PRESS SITE : http://www.davidfulton3.wordpress.com ********************************************************** http://www.vid.me/69bw ,,: http://www.vid.me/1XHK http://www.vid.me/NU7D ,,: http://www.vid.me/BxeK http://www.vid.me/iK8z ,,: http://www.vid.me/eSLe http://www.apfn.org/apfn/RICO_affidavit.htm I was targeted in February 2004 by Gloria R. Goldwyn (an alias.Her real name is Gloria R. Liff. She has family in Israel). She was then working as a social worker, for the Boston V.A.,Causeway St. Clinic.I've been to 15 countries since these torturous, EMF / DEW / Chemical - Covert Druggings / Gangstalking assaults began,after being targeted.This STASI fashioned program (In the USA the program was put in place by the X-DHS Head, Michael Chertoff, by bringing in X-Stasi Head, Marcus Wolfe, & the X-KBG General, to head the DHS's JTTF, which is used as an operational platform, for all other Intelligence Agencies CTTF's.) is global.This fits perfectly with the main themes of what you read on the internet about : THE HOUSE of ROTHSCHILD / LUCIFEROUS FREEMASONS / NWO /,AGENDAS. http://www.facebook.com/DavidFultonTorture http://www.vid.me/DavidFulton3 http://www.vid.me/David_Fulton3 http://www.DavidFulton3.com
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